Thursday, November 25, 2010

End of the snow!

The snow if finally melting off, we had strong arctic winds that brought a whole lot of snow over the last week, getting around 5cm here, not much, considering some places got up to 20cm! But anyways it is getting warmer and its going to rain tonight so finally the wintery nightmare is over!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I got a haircut.... from my girl friend XD

She has this shaver... so she shaved my head down to half an inch, I still got some hair, but its winter, its cold, and now i NEED to wear a hat.

Monday, November 22, 2010


Well shit its FLURRYING out here! Its crazy everything is covered in a white blanket of snow! Its -2 celcius but its going to get down to -7 tonight and -8 tomorrow!

Also a weired issue where plugging in my iPod freezes my computer then the computer turns its self off!?

I just got in from attempting to build a snowman, its all powder, but a bit of water on your gloves does wonders and turns it into nice, usable, compact snow, and the ball, into ICE.

Sunday, November 21, 2010 "Radio"

Has anyone checked out lately and seen the radio feature? It seems it randomly picks songs from a list but strangely enough the only things I could ever get it to play was Iowa, Gently, Skin Ticket and Three Nil Live.
It could be a good sign that the main thing it plays is Iowa music, ill be its the atmospheric tracks from Iowa, great background music for a site!


Added sidebar and moved the important stuff from the bottom of the posts to the sidebar, minimizing need to scroll down beyond posts.
Even though this looks like every typical blog out there, I like this due to its ease of use and simplicity.


I was saving money for a concert if Stone Sour came to Vancouver or Victoria, I just discovered they played Vancouver in SEPTEMBER! SUCH a disappointment!
If only I payed attention to the tour dates ):

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Blog is open!

The blog is officially open and I will be posting here now instead of on the Forum for blogging!